For no one can lay any foundation other than the one that has been laid; that foundation is Jesus Christ. -1 Corinthians 3:11
The Mennonites originated as part of the Anabaptist movement in 1525. Part of the Protestant Reformation, Anabaptists (or “re-baptizers”) believed that baptism should follow an adult confession of faith. In this early period, the Anabaptists were heavily persecuted throughout Europe. Later the Anabaptists separated into over 40 groups, including Mennonites and the Amish. The name “Mennonite” comes from one of the movement’s most important leaders, Menno Simons.
In 2003, the Mennonite World Conference convened in Zimbabwe and adopted seven “Core Convictions” of the Mennonite faith:
By the grace of God we seek to live and proclaim the good news of reconciliation in Jesus Christ. As part of the one body of Christ at all times and places, the following are central to our belief and practice:
1. God is known to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Creator who seeks to restore fallen humanity by calling a people to be faithful in fellowship, worship, service, and witness.
2. Jesus is the son of God who showed in his life and teaching how to be faithful, and through his cross and resurrection redeemed the world.
3. The church is a community of those whom God’s Spirit calls to turn from sin, acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord, receive baptism upon confession of faith and follow Christ in life.
4. The faith community, under Holy Spirit guidance, interprets the Bible in the light of Jesus Christ to discern God’s will for our obedience.
5. The Spirit of Jesus empowers us to trust God in all areas of life so we become peacemakers who renounce violence, love our enemies, seek justice and share our possessions with those in need.
6. The faith community gathers regularly to worship, to celebrate the Lord’s Supper and to hear the Word of God in a spirit of mutual accountability.
7. We seek to live in the world without conforming to the powers of evil, witnessing to God’s grace by serving others, caring for creation and inviting all people to know Jesus as Savior and Lord.
Are you like the Amish?
Mennonites share a common root with the Amish, but the two groups are very different. Mennonites have electricity, drive cars, and use computers, just like any other Christian denomination.
Do you have to dress a certain way?
Some Mennonites do follow a very conservative style of dress, including long dresses and head coverings for women, and beards and long sleeves for men. The congregation here at Jubilee, however, is part of the general conference, Mennonite Church USA, and we do not have guidelines for dressing a certain way.
What is the role of women in your church?
We believe that God calls both men and women to preach the gospel and minister to others. Because of this, women at Jubilee serve as elders, teach Bible studies, and give sermons.
The Prince of Peace is Jesus Christ.
We who were formerly no people at all,
Who knew of no peace,
Are now called to be a church of peace.
Their hearts overflow with peace.
Their mouths speak peace,
And they walk in the way of peace.
-Menno Simons, 1552
Luther D. Burton Jr.
April 11, 2011at 12:27 pmJust reading your “Beliefs” was so refreshing and has revived the hunger within me to serve the Lord with all my heart and to spread the “Good News”of Christ Jesus with all who will listen.I pray God’s blessing on your ministry,members and all who hunger and thirst after rightousness.
Roy Wyatt
August 17, 2012at 8:58 amAside from electricity, automobiles and computers, how do you differ from the Amish. Specifically in spiritual matters.
Paul Allen
October 25, 2017at 10:28 pmThey love my Yeshua and that’s good enough for me. My Lord told me that it is imperative that us Christians stick together at all costs.