Contact Information

                       Jubilee Mennonite Church


Transitional Ministry Team

Kelsey Luke (

      Joel Diener (


812 28th Ave

Meridian, MS 39301

Phone #

(601) 693-8073



December 11, 2012at 9:41 am

Thank you!!! Jubilee Mennonite Church you have been a God send in the warmth they have shown by opening not just your doors and allowing the new neighborhood which meetings, but your hearts by taking part.

Your brother in Christ,

Andrew Jason Trego

November 12, 2017at 2:59 am

Elaine, I enjoyed so much your devotional today in “Rejoice”. I am quite certain that Jan’s passing was a real loss for you…and that you think of her often. I too have lost so very precious loved ones…and have been encouraged by Paul’s words of comfort in 1 Thessalonians 4. I am 62 now…and take joy in planning my funeral…as I truly want it to be a time to bring glory to God…as I graduate to the real beginning of Life forever with the Lord. I suspect you, like I, will have some questions about unanswered prayers…but am content knowing God’s timing and plans are well beyond my understanding.

elaine maust

April 9, 2018at 9:05 am

Dear Mr. Trego,

Forgive my tardy response. Thank you for your comment and for sharing your own hopes and questions. God’s blessing and peace as you trust God for the future.

Elaine Maust

    Captain Crip

    May 17, 2022at 10:26 am

    Mrs. Maust, finally read the contributions of ( Cajun Grace) and wanted you to know I’ve known George and Mrs. Ruby and their children (George Harold) lives about 40 miles south of me in Ponchatoula LA with his wife Sandy, George is in a nursing home now in Hammond next to North Oaks hospital. George is the finest pastor I’ve ever known, even after I messed up his week of preparation for one Sunday sermon, after he gave his sermon I asked a question that surprised George and Aunt Ruby (not blood) lol to which George smiled and said “that just blew my whole weeks work” and we all laughed. My brother in law is the one who gave for the new A/C . But I have had an exceptionally well life after my sister shot me when I was 9 years old in Venice, and after learning to walk and talk again I grew up with my partial paralysis and retired as a Captain on vessels in the oil field after I gave up shrimping. I’ve been told all my life to write a book of my adventures, but I’m no writer, possibly Mrs. Martin would like to hear my story and use my stories to help her clients realize no matter the hand God hands you, you can always turn a loosing hand into a wealth of knowledge as to how you can find the good learning experience God wants you to learn.


      August 2, 2022at 11:01 pm

      Hello, thank you for your comment. Elaine retired from pastoring Jubilee about a year ago, but I’m sure she would be honored to know that her work touched you.

Don and Donna Hubele

May 2, 2019at 2:28 pm

Are you in fellowship with any Anabaptist congregations in Jackson, MS? What fellowship would you recommend in Jackson, MS?

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