Bulletin info for September 30, 2007
Worship Leader: Marcus Diener
Song Leader: Howie Schiedel
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
This is the last Sunday for Dave & Esther Kniss to be with us here at Jubilee. We are so grateful for their leadership and for the love and care that they have given over the past three months. We thank God for the blessing of providing Dave to be interim pastor while Duane & Elaine are on sabbatical.
The annual Pine Lake Camp Benefit Sale is this Saturday in Des Allemands, LA. You can travel to the sale and help Jubilee make donuts, enjoy some Cajun food, and buy items at the auction. If you are unable to attend, you could give money to help cover food preparation costs, you could send baked goods or crafts with someone who is going, or participate in the services for sale. See Lisa Shelly if you have any questions.
The Youth Yard Sale is coming up on October 13! All proceeds will help to sponsor the Youth Group's trip to the 2009 Mennonite Youth Convention in Ohio. Questions, see Cheryl Landis or Christine Maust Beachy.
The Jr Youth will be camping overnight at Okatibbee on October 20-21. Please plan to meet at the church that Saturday afternoon at 3:00. We'll meet back at the church on Sunday morning. Regina is coordinating food. Please contact her (call/email) either about bringing something or donating towards the cost, by Sunday, October 14. Thanks!
The annual MDS Region II Gathering will be held on October 27th in Burr Oak, MI at the New Covenant Christian Fellowship. Some funds have been allocated to cover travel (and lodging if needed) for a few folks in our Unit to attend. If youre interested, see Dewayne Garrett by October 1.
Thanks to Bobby Baldwin, who will serve as the "Band Leader" for Jubilee's Praise & Worship Band.
Happy Birthday to Joe Martinez (Oct 1), James Lindsay (Oct 2), Theresa Ladnier Chisolm (Oct 2), Brett Scruggs (Oct 3), Howie Schiedel (Oct 5), Matthew Landis (Oct 5), and Zachary Shelly (Oct 6)!