Bulletin info for September 28, 2008

Worship Leader: Duane Maust
Song Leader: Chris Wansley



Today Jubilee is grateful to welcome Gerald and Marlene Kaufman as our preachers.

This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


Believers Classes are forming. Because of response we will have two classes, one for adults beginning Oct. 12, and a youth class beginning the following Sunday. Please pray for those who are joining these classes and for the steps they are making toward God. For more info, talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.

Next Sunday we will have a healing service following the sermon. All are invited to come forward for prayer and anointing for spiritual, physical, emotional, and relational healing. You may also come for prayers for someone else. Talk to Duane or Elaine Maust if you have questions.

The 3 "at-large" church council members are recommended by the Leadership Discernment Team and must be approved by congregational vote. The recommendations for the 2008-09 church year are Bobby Baldwin, Gerri Thompson, and Jan Reynolds. We will hold a vote at the end of the worship service today to approve these names. This year the trustee rep is John Opel, the PCRC rep is James Dominici, and the leadership discernment rep is Milli Floyd. Questions? See Mike Clymer.

Happy Birthday to Joe Martinez (Oct 1), James Lindsay (Oct 2), Theresa Ladnier Chisolm (Oct 2), and Brett Scruggs (Oct 3)!