Bulletin info for September 26, 2010

Worship Leader: Jeff Landis
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events

Today we will share the Lord's Supper. All baptized believers are invited to share the cup and the bread. Grapes and crackers will be provided for those anticipating their baptism. Questions? Talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.

The Leadership Discernment Team recommends Gerri Thompson, Sandra Rush, and Dewayne Garrett to serve on the church council as at-large members for the coming year. LD also nominates Fern Diener for a new term as elder. The congregation will take a vote after the worship service today to approve these recommendations. Questions? Please see Mike Clymer, congregational chair.

This Saturday, the annual Pine Lake Camp Sale will be held in Des Allemands, LA. Want to send things to the sale? Bring your baked goods or crafts to the Mausts by 2:00 on Friday for the ride to Des Allemands. If you want to help with Jubilee's baking day, join other bakers and dish washers at the Mausts' on Friday. For more info, see Duane or Elaine Maust.

Join us for Bible Study on Wednesday evening! Share a simple meal at 6:00 (suggested donation: adults $3.00, kids $2.00). Worship begins at 6:45. Classes are provided for all ages, including Youth, Jr. Youth, men's study of James, women's discussion group, Prayer Practice, kids' Treasure Hunt, and nursery. Children, please bring stuffed animals with you this week! For more info, see Anita Wansley.

Would you like to learn more about God? Is God inviting you to baptism? Are you ready to give your life to God? Do you wonder what Mennonites believe? New Believers' and Welcome! classes are forming. Please talk to Duane or Elaine Maust for more information.

Please notice the thank you letter to Jubilee from Amor Viviente of Metairie, LA on the bulletin board in the hall. As Amor Viviente thanks God for five years of faithfulness following Katrina, they also thank Jubilee for supporting their recovery.

Thanks again to Jubilee for responding to the needs in Haiti. Jubilee gave $1,620 to Mennonite Central Committee's Haiti Earthquake response. Check out the bulletin board in the hall to see photos and read stories of rebuilding.

If you have info for the October calendar, please contact DeeDee Baldwin this week.

Find out about a life-changing radio ministry, Shaping Families, in the recent edition of "Media Links," the newsletter of Third Way Media, in your mailbox today.

Offering for 9/19/10: $1,625 (budgeted $2,142). Year to date (8/1/2010-9/19/2010): $13,355 (budgeted $17,149).

Happy Birthday to Erin Scruggs (today), Betty Harris (Sep 27), Kayla Krieger (Sep 28), Joe Martinez (Oct 1), Theresa Ladnier Chisolm (Oct 2), and James Lindsay (Oct 2), and Happy Anniversary to Frank & April Dardar (Sep 30)!