Bulletin info for September 20, 2009

Worship Leader: Marcus Diener
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events

The Leadership Discernment Team recommends Dee Colton, Jan Reynolds, and Gerri Thompson as the three at-large Church Council members for the coming year. The congregation will be asked to approve these names following the service on Sunday, September 27. The other Council reps are James Dominici (PCRC), Milli Floyd (Leadership Discernment), and John Opel (trustees). If you have any questions or concerns, please see Mike Clymer, congregational chair.

Jubilee children in grades K-5 in need of academic assistance are eligible to get tutoring through Community of Hope Tutoring Program. Registration is September 24 from 3:00 - 5:30 here at the church. For more information, see Lisa Shelly.

The tutoring program will be starting this week with tutor orientation and registration for elementary students. The first day of regular operation will be September 28. If you are interested in volunteering or contributing to the program, there are two needs right now. Healthy snacks will be served to the children each day so donations of fruit, crackers, pretzels, popcorn, etc. would be greatly appreciated! Also, we are needed to do our own cleaning for the program this year. This takes 1-2 hours a week. If you would be willing to volunteer to help with cleaning or to donate food, please contact Lisa Shelly.

Next Sunday following the sermon, there will be an opportunity to come forward to make a confession or a commitment to God. Is there something God is inviting you to let go of? From what would you like to be free?

On Wednesday night at 6:30, Ben Schiedel will share his experience as a volunteer for Mennonite Mission Network in Alaska. Anyone is invited to come to see Ben’s pictures, hear his stories, and eat popcorn in the Sojourner’s Room. (There will be no nursery for this event.)

The Jubilee directory is being updated. Please update your contact information on the bulletin board by the office. Questions, see Anita Wansley.

A new class called Welcome! is forming especially for adults that want to know more about Jubilee or Mennonites. Please contact Elaine Maust for more information.

Would you like to help bake next week for the camp sale? Talk to Elaine Maust about getting in on fun involving yeast, butter, and powdered sugar.

Last week’s offering: $3,617 (budgeted $1,787.50). Year-to-date: $19,220 (budgeted $12,513).

For safety reasons, we ask that only parents and siblings pick up children from the nursery. If you would like to provide needed items for the nursery (Germex, kleenex, wipes, snacks, lysol, play-doh, coloring books, crayons, etc.), please see Sharon Dufour or Anita Wansley.

Happy Birthday to Brandi Griffin (Sep 23), Jeremy Seibel (Sep 23), and Erin Scruggs (Sep 26)!