Bulletin info for September 13, 2009

Worship Leader: Elaine Maust
Song Leader: Erin Scruggs



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events

There will be a Praise and Worship meeting to discuss plans for our upcoming church year. If you are a song leader or a band member, please make plans to attend on September 14 at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary. We will have a meeting and then a short practice. If you have questions, please see Theresa Chisolm.

The Leadership Discernment Team recommends Dee Colton, Jan Reynolds, and Gerri Thompson as the three at-large council members for the coming year. The congregation will be asked to approve these names following the service on Sunday, September 27. If you have any questions or concerns, please see Mike Clymer, congregational chair.

The Worship Planning Team will meet in the library at 1:30 today to plan the next three months of worship services. If you have suggestions for worship at Jubilee, please talk to Theresa Ladnier Chisolm, Danielle Crowell, Milli Floyd, Kelsey Ladnier, Jeff Landis, or Duane or Elaine Maust.

Celebrate with us! Tanner Garrett and Katya Landis have given their lives to God and have requested baptism. A Believers Class is forming to explore faith and baptism preparation. The first class begins October 18 and will meet every other Sunday morning during the Sunday School time. Questions? See Elaine Maust.

The Jubilee directory is being updated. Please update your contact information on the bulletin board by the office. If you are new to Jubilee, we would love to add you to our directory! Please add your info to our list! Questions, see Anita Wansley.

Please check the lost and found by the men’s bathroom for any items that may be yours. Items left in the lost and found will be taken to Hope Village within the next couple of weeks.

Sunday School teachers for this year are: Beth Graybill, Elaine Maust, Lisa Shelly, Marcus Diener, Holly Garrett, Bonnie Opel, Millie Floyd, Jan Reynolds, Jeff Landis, Joel Beachy, Mike Clymer, Bob & Edea Baldwin, and Anita Wansley.

Happy Birthday to Gerri Thompson (today), Bob Baldwin (Sep 15), Bobby Baldwin (Sep 15), Whitney Floyd (Sep 17), and DeeDee Baldwin (Sep 19)!