Bulletin info for September 12, 2010

Worship Leader: Jeff Landis
Song Leader: Chris Wansley



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events

Today is the first Sunday of the church year. Children begin new Sunday School classes and their teachers begin a year of learning and service. The leadership roles approved at the congregational meetings begin their new terms. We ask God to bless this year of worship, nurture, service, and evangelism at Jubilee.

The Worship Planning Team is meeting this afternoon at 1:30. If you have ideas for worship services, please talk to one of the members: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm, Jeff Landis, Melody Clymer, Dee Colton, Jodi Schiedel, Jan Reynolds, Kelsey Ladnier, or Duane or Elaine Maust.

There will be a Pot Luck dinner in the gym following the service next Sunday. Please plan to join us for fellowship and great food. Questions? See Sandra Rush.

New Sunday School class in Sojourners Room: "Reading the Bible through Anabaptist Eyes." If you are curious about the roots of the Mennonite Church or the beliefs that form it, come share with us this Fall. We will look at how Anabaptists have read and interpreted the Bible, forming us into the church we know today.

It is time to update our Jubilee directory. Please look on the bulletin board outside the office and update your info. Questions, see Anita Wansley.

Want to dig for the treasures in God's word? Join us for Bible Study this Wednesday night! See the bulletin insert for more info on classes and supper. Questions, see Anita Wansley.

On October 2, the annual Pine Lake Camp Sale will be held in Des Allemands, LA. Your help is needed! We need crafts, baked goods, volunteers, and people to attend this fun and exciting event. If you are unable to attend, you can still contribute! On September 17 during the potluck, we will hold a Camp Sale Preview. Those who have made items are welcome to display their crafts in the gym. Purchases may be made at that time, and money will be taken to the Camp Sale. You can also sign up for Services for Sale, order a 2011 camp calendar, volunteer to work at the sale or make donuts, order baked goods, or put in bids for some of the larger items that will be auctioned. If you have questions, contact Jeff or Cheryl Landis.

Would you like to learn more about God? Is God inviting you to baptism? Are you ready to give your life to God? Do you wonder what Mennonites believe? New Believers' and Welcome! classes are forming. Please talk to Duane or Elaine Maust for more information.

The Leadership Discernment Team recommends Gerri Thompson, Sandra Rush, and Dewayne Garrett to serve on the church council as at-large members for the coming year. LD also nominates Fern Diener for a new term as elder. The congregation will take a vote after the worship service on September 26 to approve these recommendations. Questions? Please see Mike Clymer, congregational chair.

Offering for 8/29/10: $1,205 (budgeted $2,142). Year to date (8/1/2010-8/29/2010): $8,591 (budgeted $10,718).

Happy Birthday to Gerri Thompson (Sep 13), Bob Baldwin (Sep 15), Bobby Baldwin (Sep 15), and Whitney Floyd (Sep 17)!