Bulletin info for October 7, 2007
Worship Leader: Edea Baldwin
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm, Chris Wansley
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
The Youth Yard Sale is only 6 days away! Please help make this fundraiser a success by donating items for the sale. Donated items should be placed in the old juice room anytime until Friday at 6:30 pm when set-up begins. Thank you for your support of Jubilee's youth and our goal of attending the Mennonite Youth Convention in Ohio in 2009. Questions, see Cheryl Landis or Christine Maust Beachy.
The Jr Youth will be camping overnight at Okatibbee on October 20-21. Please plan to meet at the church that Saturday afternoon at 3:00. We'll meet back at church on Sunday morning. Regina is coordinating food. Please contact her either about bringing something or donating towards the cost, by next Sunday. Thanks!
A big thanks to all who have supported the Pine Lake Camp Benefit Sale! Your participation in services for sale, baking, making crafts, woodworking, and preparing other items is greatly appreciated. And we thank all who made trip and bought things at the sale!
Happy Birthday to Valencia Fox (Oct 8), Keeton Garrett (Oct 9), Jose Gomez (Oct 9), Holly Howard (Oct 12), and Hayden Lee (Oct 13), and Happy Anniversary to Bob & Barbara Coblentz (Oct 8)!