Bulletin info for October 5, 2008

Worship Leader: Elaine Maust
Song Leader: Erin Scruggs



There will be a healing service today following the sermon. Anyone is invited to come forward to ask for prayer for physical, emotional, spiritual, or relational healing. See Duane or Elaine Maust if you have questions.

This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


Two Believers' Classes are beginning: Adult and Young Adult begins next Sunday, Oct. 12. Youth begins on Sunday, Oct 19. Classes will meet every other Sunday during the Sunday School time. Please talk to Elaine Maust about joining these classes.

Please join us on Wednesday evening, Oct. 8, for Jubilee's Bible Study. Read Genesis 18 and come ready to engage in the stories of Abraham cooking for angels, Sarah laughing at the thought of having a baby, and Abraham pleading for God to spare Sodom. A simple meal will be served at 6:00 in the gym. Bible Study begins at 6:30 in the sanctuary. Contact Anita Wansley for more information.

Jr Youth, mark your calendars! October 18-19 is our camping trip at Okatibbee Lake. We'll leave from the church parking lot at 1:30 on Saturday afternoon and return to the church Sunday morning. Please see Regina about food sign-up. See Cynthia, Regina, or Matt with questions.

Please check your mailboxes for the October calendar. Children, in your family's mailbox is a copy of hello. In this issue you will learn about Ndagire Pauline, age 13, and his country of Uganda.

A thank-you card from the Schiedels has been posted on the bulletin board.

Happy Birthday to Matthew Landis (today), Howie Schiedel (today), Jamie Gunera (Oct 6), Zachary Shelly (Oct 7), Valencia Fox (Oct 8), Keeton Garrett (Oct 9), and Jose Gomez (Oct 9), and Happy Anniversary to Bob & Barbara Coblentz (Oct 8)!