Bulletin info for October 4, 2009

World Communion Sunday

Worship Leader: Duane Maust
Song Leader: April Dardar



Today is World Communion Sunday, on which we join with Christians around the world at the Lord's Table. Everyone is welcome to come forward. The Cup and the Bread are prepared for baptized believers. Grapes and crackers are provided for those anticipating their baptism. If you have questions, please talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.

This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events

The Youth are gathering items for college care packages. If you would like to contribute snack foods or other fun, creative (and packable) things our young adults might enjoy, there will be a box in the foyer until next Sunday. Questions? See Cynthia Clymer. Thanks!

The October calendar is in your mailbox.

A new class called Welcome! is forming especially for adults that want to know more about Jubilee or Mennonites. Please contact Elaine Maust for more information.

Did you ever wonder what the other adult Sunday school classes are studying? There is now a section on the bulletin board outside the church office that lists the topics of study for the quarter. Please feel free to check the topics and visit other classes! Questions, see Anita Wansley or Joel Beachy.

Last week's offering: $1,360 (budgeted $1,787.50). Year-to-date: $22,064 (budgeted $16,088).

Happy Birthday to Matthew Landis (Oct 5), Howie Schiedel (Oct 5), Jamie Gunera (Oct 6), Zachary Shelly (Oct 7), Valencia Fox (Oct 8), Keeton Garrett (Oct 9), and Jose Gomez (Oct 9), and Happy Anniversary to Bob & Barbara Coblentz (Oct 8)!