Bulletin info for October 3, 2010

Worship Leader: Jeff Landis
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events

Would you like to learn more about God? Is God inviting you to baptism? Are you ready to give your life to God? Do you wonder what Mennonites believe? New Believers’ and Welcome! classes are forming. Please talk to Duane or Elaine Maust for more information.

The October calendar is in your mailbox.

Offering for 9/26/10: $1,625 (budgeted $2,142). Year to date (8/1/2010-9/26/2010): $13,355 (budgeted $17,149).

Happy Birthday to Brett Scruggs (today), Howie Schiedel (Oct 5), Matthew Landis (Oct 5), Jamie Gunera (Oct 6), Zachary Shelly (Oct 7), Valencia Fox (Oct 8), Keeton Garrett (Oct 9), and Jose Gomez (Oct 9), and Happy Anniversary to Bob & Barbara Coblentz (Oct 8)!