Bulletin info for October 28, 2007
Worship Leader: Joel Beachy
Song Leader: Howie Schiedel, Erin Scruggs
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
Welcome, members of the Mennonite Education Agency Board of Directors and staff! We are so glad you could join us for worship. We are honored that you have come to Meridian for your meeting. Thank you for your interest in the needs and questions of people who are a part of Gulf States Mennonite Conference. We appreciate your support.
The Father / Child Retreat will be held this weekend, October 26-28. Please send in your registration forms or contact the camp office this week if you plan to attend. Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity.
Let's all help welcome Duane & Elaine back from their sabbatical. There will be a basket in the hallway for cards & happies. This will be presented to them next Sunday, Nov. 4, their first Sunday back.
You are invited to "Millions Are Waiting," a banquet presented by Wycliffe Bible translators on November 5 at 7:00 at the Quality Inn. Andy Peck, a lifelong Wycliffe worker, will be the guest speaker. Tickets are free; an offering will be taken. See Melody Clymer for tickets.
If you have items for the November calendar, please contact DeeDee Baldwin by phone (601-479-1424) or email (edeainfj {at} gmail.com) this week.
Jubilee invites the prayers and financial support of Jacob's Well, a Christian Recovery Center for women, in Lucedale, MS. Please make checks payable to Jubilee and note, 'Jacob's Well donation'. For more info, please check their website or talk to Marvin Floyd.
Happy Birthday to Lydia Cox (Oct 28), Emma Baldwin (Oct 30), Samuel Wansley (Oct 30), and Abigail Shelly (Oct 31)!