Bulletin info for October 21, 2007

Worship Leader: Joel Beachy
Song Leader: Howie Schiedel, Erin Scruggs



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


Jubilee is hosting the Mennonite Education Agency board of Directors meeting this Friday and Saturday, October 26-27. If you are interested in helping to prepare or serve food, please contact Lisa Shelly. Carlos Romero, MEA's executive director, will preach here at Jubilee next Sunday. Friday evening, we are having a fish fry for them, and they asked us to invite anyone from the congregation who would like an opportunity to ask questions or learn more about MEA. If you would like to come, please let Lisa Shelly know today so we can accurately prepare for food.

The Father / Child Retreat will be held this weekend, October 26-28. Please send in your registration forms or contact the camp office this week if you plan to attend. Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity.

Jubilee invites the prayers and financial support of Jacob's Well, a Christian Recovery Center for women, in Lucedale, MS. Please make checks payable to Jubilee and note, 'Jacob's Well donation'. For more info, please check their website or talk to Marvin Floyd.

Thanks to volunteers from Riley Hospital who came and landscaped the front of the church on Friday during United Way Day of Caring. Thanks, too to Lisa who headed up the landscaping crew! Be sure to take time to look at what was done! The volunteers also painted the COHTP small group room.

Dave and Esther Kniss send their greetings to our congregation. A note from them is in your mailboxes and on the bulletin board.

A note of thanks to Jubilee for the camp sale is posted on the bulletin board for you to read.

Happy Birthday to Camron Fox (Oct 24), Kerri Dufour (Oct 25), Jeff Landis (Oct 27), and Allison Shelly (Oct 27)!