Bulletin info for October 19, 2008

Worship Leader: Elaine Maust
Song Leader: Chris Wansley



Today we are honored to host Ervin Stutzman, Dean of Eastern Mennonite Seminary, as our preacher.

Everyone is welcome to the potluck following the service. The youth will serve the church by cleaning up after the meal. Donations given for the clean-up will help fund the youth trip to Mennonite Convention in Columbus, Ohio.

This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


Please join us on Wednesday evening, Oct. 22, for Jubilee's Bible Study. We left Abraham and God counting heads, estimating the number of righteous people in the city of Sodom. Join us to find out what happens in Genesis 19-20. A simple meal will be served at 6:00 in the gym. Bible Study begins at 6:30 in the sanctuary. Contact Anita Wansley for more information.

Hooray for the donut sale, which raised $500 for Pine Lake Camp at the Camp Sale! Many thanks to all who helped with the fun. See the letter from Pine Lake on the bulletin board.

The October issue of Jubilee's newsletter, Where We Are, is in your mailbox. Meet Larry Hayes and the Seibel family, and learn more about the church council. Thanks to Paul Shelly for printing this issue in color!

Everyone at Jubilee is invited to the Celebration Program for Community of Hope Tutoring Program on Thursday, October 23 at 7:00 in the sanctuary. Come to honor the work of the elementary students and the high school tutors. Questions? See Lisa Shelly.

Happy Birthday to Camron Fox (Oct 24) and Kerri Dufour (Oct 25)!