Bulletin info for October 11, 2009

Worship Leader: Elaine Maust
Song Leader: Chris Wansley



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events

In your mailbox today: the new issue of Jubilee’s newsletter, Where We Are; a magazine from Mennonite Mission Network about faith in media; and a copy of the minutes from the October church council meeting.

Everyone is invited to Bible Study at Jubilee on Wednesday. Activities and classes are provided for all ages (nursery included). A simple supper is served at 6:00 ($2.00 donation please), and worship begins at 6:45. This week’s Hot Topic will be “Can rich Christians get into Heaven?” For more information about Bible Study, talk to Anita Wansley.

Pictures will be taken next Sunday, Oct 18, for any newcomers that would like to be added to our "Jubilee Family" bulletin board, or if anyone would like a new picture taken. Any questions, please see Holly Garrett.

There will be a meeting of the Pastors/Elders Team on Wednesday at 8:30 in the library. If you have concerns you hope this group addresses, please talk to Jeff Landis.

Please plan to stay following the worship service for the pot luck next Sunday. Bring food to share and enjoy the fellowship. Questions? See Anita Wansley.

Community of Hope Tutoring Program is using the gym in the afternoons Monday through Thursday each week. If you use the gym other than those times during the week, please set the tables back up the way you found them or refer to the diagram posted in the kitchen. Questions, talk to Anita.

Did you ever wonder what the other adult Sunday school classes are studying? There is now a section on the bulletin board outside the church office that lists the topics of study for the quarter. Please feel free to check the topics and visit other classes! Questions, see Anita Wansley or Joel Beachy.

Last week’s offering: $2,142 (budgeted $1,787.50). Year-to-date: $24,816 (budgeted $17,875).

Happy Birthday to Hayden Lee (Oct 13) and Dewayne Todd (Oct 15)!