Bulletin info for November 9, 2008
Mission Sunday
Worship Leader: Duane Maust
Song Leader: Chris Wansley
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
The Fellowship (newsletter of the Gulf States Mennonite Conference) has been placed in your mailboxes.
If you are interested in participating in the service trip to Indiana March 14-20, please contact Lisa Shelly by today. Extra forms are on the table next to the stairway. We need to begin making lodging arrangements, so we need to get an estimate of how many will be going. Please feel free to contact Lisa with any questions about the trip.
There will be a baby shower for Christine Maust Beachy on Nov. 16 at 6:00 in the gym. All church ladies are invited. Questions, see Melody Clymer.
Next Sunday will be Youth Sunday. Please pray for Jubilee’s youth as they prepare for this service! For more information, talk to Jeff Landis or Joel or Christine Maust Beachy.
Ben Schiedel is serving in Service Adventure of the Mennonite Mission Network. The home congregation of participants is asked to partner and provide support for this program. If you would like to contribute, mark your giving "Service Adventure" and place in the offering any Sunday. There is a picture and information about Ben and his team on the bulletin board. Questions, see Duane Maust.
We praise God for everyone in the Believers' Classes in preparation for church membership or baptism. Adult Believers: Sharon Dufour, Eric Espinoza, Marvin Floyd, Tim Seibel, and Danny Wood. Young Believers: Katie Dufour, Orlando Horne, and Justin Seibel. Join us in thanking God that these folks who are already part of the Jubilee family are taking another step toward Jubilee and God. For info on baptism or on how you can become a member of Jubilee, talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.
Happy Birthday to Ashley Chisolm (today), Mike Clymer (Nov 10), Kelsey Ladnier (Nov 10), Allison Topcik (Nov 11), and Joel Martinez (Nov 11), and Happy Anniversary to Marvin & Milli Floyd (Nov 10)!