Bulletin info for November 30, 2008
Advent 1
Worship Leader: Tim Seibel, Duane Maust
Song Leader: Chris Wansley
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
Believing that marriage is part of God's design and that God means it to be a lifelong commitment (Matt. 19:4-6) and being aware that marriage can be a challenge and has much against it in our society, the Pastors and Elders want to encourage and support healthy marriages at Jubilee. Through the marriage survey placed in spouses' mailboxes, they hope to learn how to help and be supportive. Please return surveys to Fern (elder of nurture) or put in her mailbox by today. Questions, see Duane, Elaine, Jeff, Anita, or Fern.
There will be a Healing Retreat at Pine Lake Camp on December 5-6. This retreat is for persons looking for spiritual, emotional, or physical healing; for those who need a special touch from God. You can find a brochure by the camp bulletin board. For more information, talk to Beth Graybill or Elaine Maust.
Join us on Saturday, December 6 at 7:00 for the Ladies' Christmas Party! Please bring one snack to share and a wrapped $5 gift for our annual exchange. See Cynthia Clymer with questions or directions to her house.
Jr Youth, come to the progressive supper on Saturday, December 13! We plan to meet and car pool from Cynthia's house at 4:45 and return by 8:00. Please bring yourself, along with a $5 unisex gift. See Cynthia Clymer with questions.
Happy Birthday to Stan Seibel (today), Sandra Peden (today), and Lisa Shelly (Dec 3), and Happy Anniversary to Joe & Regina Martinez (Dec 6)!