Bulletin info for November 18, 2007
Worship Leader: Marcus Diener
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm, Chris Wansley
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
Everyone is invited to share the blessing of Communion today as we remember our Lord's death and resurrection. The cup and the bread are provided for all baptized. Grapes and crackers are provided for those anticipating their baptism. If you have questions about Communion at Jubilee, please talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.
There will be a pot luck meal following the service. All are welcome!
There will be a Youth Lock-In at the church tonight from 8:00 pm to 8:00 am. Drinks and hotdogs will be provided. Please bring a snack and games, and a sleeping bag and pillow if you plan to sleep. For more info, see Jeff or Cheryl Landis.
Next Sunday, November 25, there will be an offering for the Fishes and Loaves program. This is a coordinated effort of several downtown churches to care for the needy in our community. Questions, contact Lisa Shelly.
All are invited to Bible Study on Wednesday night. We will consider Genesis 2 and ask, so why did God rest? Join us for a meal at 6:00 in the gym and Bible Study at 6:30 in the sanctuary. Questions? Talk to Elaine Maust.
We are starting a new method of communicating prayer requests and church information. On the bulletin board next to the office is a list of those who said they'd like to receive requests and info by e-mail. There is also a phone chain for those who preferred a phone call. Please check this to be sure you are listed the way you want to be. Any questions or need for changes, please see Lisa Shelly. Thank you.
Everyone is welcome to attend the Healing Retreat at Pine Lake Camp. It is designed to invite you to open yourself to God, to listen to what God is saying, and to provide a safe and confidential environment. The focus is on receiving healing through prayer and worship. Feel free to get a brochure for yourself or invite a friend. Questions, see Lisa Shelly.
Happy Birthday to Bob Coblentz (Nov 22), and Happy Anniversary to Chris & Anita Wansley!