Bulletin info for November 11, 2007
Youth Sunday

Worship Leader: Youth
Song Leader: Youth



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


Many thanks for the generous words, colorful cards, kind notes and gifts you all gave to welcome us back. We are grateful for all of you. Sincerely, Duane & Elaine.

The flowers at the front were given in honor of Regina Martinez's father, who passed away this week, and also to express our caring and support for Regina and her family as they deal with this loss.

Jubilee received this note in response to our gift to Jacob’s Well: “Thanks for making a difference. Thank you for your support of our ministry. God bless you.”

In your mailboxes you will find a new issue of Media Links, which tells stories of God's work in the world through Mennonite Media.

Jubilee supports Choice Books from our budget. You can find this selection of Christian books locally at CVS and Pilot.

Everyone is invited to the hay ride at the Mausts’ on Wednesday night. If you have them, please bring lawn chairs and marshmellow roasting sticks. And please invite your friends! For directions and more info, see Duane or Elaine.

Everyone is welcome to attend the Healing Retreat at Pine Lake Camp. It is designed to invite you to open yourself to God, to listen to what God is saying, and to provide a safe and confidential environment. The focus is on receiving healing through prayer and worship. Feel free to get a brochure for yourself or invite a friend who may be going through a difficult time. Questions, see Lisa Shelly.

Happy Birthday to Joel Martinez (today), James Dominici (Nov 16), and Hunter Howard (Nov 17)!