Bulletin info for May 4, 2008

Many Peoples Sunday

Sunday School Opening: Joel Beachy
Greeter: Dewayne Garrett
Worship Leader: Duane Maust
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm
Nursery: Dianna Schiedel (SS), Kelsey Ladnier



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


Community of Hope Tutoring Program is still in the process of finding a new program director. The application deadline is this Friday, May 9. The job opening announcement is on the bulletin board next to the church office. Questions, see Christine Maust Beachy.

Your help is needed! Please invest in the work of Community of Hope Tutoring Program. Your dollars help continue this important outreach to children and teenagers in our community. Fundraising for the 2008-2009 school year has already begun! The first $250 dollars donated will be matched 100% by a Mennonite Mutual Aid Grant. Questions, see Christine Maust Beachy.

Jubilee has a scholarship fund to assist children and youth going to Pine Lake Camp. It is an above-budget fund that you can contribute to at any time. Just note on your contribution "camp scholarship fund." Contact Lisa Shelly if you are in need of financial assistance, or if you know someone who might be.

A mission trip to Nicaragua is being planned from Oct 25-Nov 1 by friends from Gulfhaven. The trip is planned through Missionary Ventures and will include light construction and manual labor. For more info or to join in, talk to Duane Maust.

Jubilee is grateful that Art Smoker has agreed to be the church's district minister. Rev. Smoker will be giving support and oversight to Jubilee's leadership. He is the conference minister for Gulf States Mennonite Conference. Questions? Talk to Duane Maust.

Check your mailbox for Jubilee's new monthly newsletter, Where We Are. Each month the newsletter will feature different Jubilee members and ministries. If you ever want to contribute something, email DeeDee Baldwin.

Happy Birthday to Noah Chisolm (May 4), and Happy Anniversary to Bob & Edea Baldwin!