Bulletin info for May 31, 2009

Worship Leader: Marcus Diener
Song Leader: Chris Wansley



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


The Opel and Seibel families invite you to join us in celebrating Susanne's and Lynford's high school graduations. We will plan to have a cookout at the Pine Lake Camp lodge this evening at 5:00. Questions, see Bonnie Opel.

There will be a meeting of the Worship Planning Team on Sunday afternoon at 1:30 in the library. If you have ideas or suggestions for coming worship services, please talk to Joel Diener, Nohemi Martinez, Calisha Crowell, Tim Seibel, Milli Floyd, Jeff Landis, Theresa Ladnier Chisolm or Duane or Elaine Maust.

Jubilee wants to help youth who are part of our congregation and want to go to Pine Lake Summer Camp, but need some assistance to be able to go. Two ways you can help are to donate money to Jubilee's scholarship fund or to sponsor someone. If you are interested in donating, mark your gift “camp scholarship.” If you're willing to be a sponsor, want to suggest someone we should sponsor, or have other questions, contact Lisa Shelly.

It's the time of year to begin our gifts discernment process for 2009-2010. This is a time to reflect and think about how God is calling you to use your gifts for Him through service at Jubilee. We invite you to prayerfully consider the roles for which you would be willing to serve, starting Sept. 1, 2009. Forms to complete are available today on the table at the front of the church. On the table by the stairs is a copy of the job descriptions as well as the list of people currently serving in each role. We will have a time in youth and adult Sunday School classes on June 14 to complete gifts discernment forms and ask questions or participate in discussion about the gifts discernment process. Please see Anita, Duane, Jeff, Fern, Joel B., Paul, or Milli (gifts discernment committee) if you have any questions.

If you have items for the June calendar, please contact DeeDee Baldwin (edeainfj@gmail.com or 601-479-1424) this week.

Happy Birthday to Shelley Hamilton (June 2) and Katya Landis (June 4)!