Bulletin info for May 3, 2009

"What the Lord has Done in Me"

Worship Leader: Duane Maust
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm



We would like to extend a special welcome to everyone who is joining us for the Gulf States Mennonite Spring Conference. We are glad you are here, and we want you to know you are welcome to come again anytime! Please join us for the potluck meal immediately following the service.

This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


Community of Hope Tutoring Program will have its final celebration program this Thursday at 7:00. You are invited to come and join in this special time of recognizing the students' achievements. The program is in the sanctuary, and refreshments are served in the gym after the program.

Next Sunday we will celebrate with Katie Dufour and Justin Seibel, who will be baptized at the swimming area at Pine Lake Camp at 3:00. Refreshments will be served in the Lodge following the baptisms. For more information, please talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.

On May 16 from 8:00-12:00, Jubilee will host a Music Clinic in which elementary age students will be able to experience several aspects of music including singing, drums, dance, and other musical activities. If you are interested, complete the registration form on the table by the stairs. Questions, contact Theresa Ladnier Chisolm.

Jubilee desires to assist youth who are part of our congregation and want to go to Pine Lake Summer Camp, but need some assistance to be able to go. Two ways you can help are to donate money to Jubilee’s scholarship fund or to sponsor someone (help get application in, assist in getting supplies needed for camp, write a letter to him/her when at camp, etc). If you are interested in donating money, just mark your gift "camp scholarship." If you are willing to be a sponsor, would like to suggest someone we should sponsor, or have any other questions, contact Lisa Shelly.

The May calendar has been placed in your mailbox.

Happy Birthday to Noah Chisolm (May 4) and Ethan Stubblefield (May 7), and Happy Anniversary to Bob & Edea Baldwin (May 6)!