Bulletin info for May 24, 2009
Worship Leader: Marcus Diener
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
The Opel and Seibel families invite you to join us in celebrating Susanne's and Lynford's high school graduations. We will plan to have a cookout at the Pine Lake Camp lodge on Sunday, May 31, at 5:00 PM. Please let Bonnie Opel know before this Friday if you plan to attend.
Jubilee wants to help youth who are part of our congregation and want to go to Pine Lake Summer Camp, but need some assistance to be able to go. Two ways you can help are to donate money to Jubilee’s scholarship fund or to sponsor someone. If you are interested in donating, mark your gift "camp scholarship." If you’re willing to be a sponsor, want to suggest someone we should sponsor, or have other questions, contact Lisa Shelly.
Are you curious about what's happening at Mennonite Church USA Convention 2009 in Columbus, Ohio, June 30 to July 5? Check out the convention website for a list of seminars, worship speakers, late night events, which issues the delegates will be discussing, or how to register for this event. All of this information and more is available at http://www.MennoniteUSA.org/convention.
In your mailboxes you will find the May issue of Beyond Ourselves, published by Mennonite Mission Network.
The minutes from the church council meeting on May 13 have been posted and placed in your mailboxes. Questions, see Mike Clymer, congregational chair.
Happy Birthday to Suzanne Opel (May 30) and Peter Opel (May 30), and Happy Anniversary to Jeff & Cheryl Landis (May 29) and Stan & Rachel Seibel (May 30)!