Bulletin info for May 23, 2010
Worship Leader: Marcus Diener
Song Leader: Erin Scruggs
This Week at Jubilee...
May God bless Jubilee's high school graduates: Joel Diener, Whitney Floyd, Kelsey Ladnier, and Nohemi Martinez! Our love and prayers go with you as you begin the next stage of your life.
Next Sunday we will celebrate the Lord's Supper together. All baptized believers (whether or not you are a member of Jubilee) are invited to take the cup and the bread. Grapes and crackers will be provided for those looking forward to their baptism. Questions? Talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.
The final celebration program for the Community of Hope Tutoring Program will be this Thursday, May 27, at 7:00 in the sanctuary. Several from Jubilee have participated in the program this year as students and as tutors. Everyone is invited to come and participate as we honor the students with awards to recognize their success and enjoy the program of music and story that they are preparing. Questions, see Lisa Shelly.
Our Camper Scholarship Fund is now up to $975. Many thanks to everyone for your support of Pine Lake and our children. For more information, talk to Elaine Maust or Cynthia Clymer.
The next prayer meeting will be at 7:00 on Wednesday, June 2. Please note this time change. For more info, talk to Elaine Maust.
There will be a prayer meeting on Wednesday, June 19 at 6:15 regarding God's call to service for Community of Hope and Jubilee. We will spend time in prayer and also spend time listing Jubilee's current service efforts and what special gifts we have that could be used serving outside our congregation. Please join us in the Sojourner's room. For more info, contact Duane or Elaine Maust.
This morning we will be taking an offering of our estimated giving for the coming year and asking God's blessing on our giving and on our financial planning. If you are not ready to turn it in today, you may turn it in to Cheryl Landis within the next two weeks. Questions? Talk to anyone on the finance committee: Cheryl Landis, Mike Clymer, Dara Dominici, Milli Floyd.
Offering for 5/16/10: $2,158 (budgeted $1,875). Year-to-date (8/1 – 5/16): $85,859.50 (budgeted $78,750).
Happy Anniversary to Jeff & Cheryl Landis (May 29)!