Bulletin info for May 18, 2008

Trinity Sunday

Sunday School Opening: Tim Seibel
Greeter: Carolyn Jackson
Worship Leader: Marcus Diener
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm, Chris Wansley
Nursery: Dianna (SS), Whitney/Calisha (Service)



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


Three weeks ago during the children's story, we were introduced to a church in Ecuador, Quito Mennonite Church. Children were asked to begin raising money to help "build the church" in Quito. Money will go towards Sunday School materials, peace programs, and helping refugee families. Next week we will be collecting what the children have raised so far, so remember to bring your banks or the money you've collected. If you need a mission bank or have other questions, talk to Cheryl Landis.

Everyone is invited to attend a barbeque and blessing for Ben Schiedel at Pine Lake Camp's pavilion this Wednesday night, May 21, at 6:00. Please bring lawn chairs if available. For more info, see Howie or Dianna Schiedel.

Come and bring your friends to an evening of skating at Skate Odyssey on Wednesday, May 28, from 6:00-8:00. The cost is $5.00 per skater. Non-skaters are welcome, also! Questions? See Howie Schiedel.

Jubilee has a scholarship fund to assist children and youth going to Pine Lake Camp. It is an above-budget fund that you can contribute to at any time. Just note on your contribution "camp scholarship fund." Contact Lisa Shelly if you are in need of financial assistance, or if you know someone who might be.

A mission trip to Nicaragua is being planned from Oct 25-Nov 1 by friends from Gulfhaven. The trip is planned through Missionary Ventures and will include light construction and manual labor. For more info or to join in, talk to Duane Maust.

Happy Birthday to Orlando Horne (May 20) and Donna Stehr (May 21)!