Bulletin info for May 10, 2009

Worship Leader: Joel Beachy
Song Leader: Erin Scruggs



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


This afternoon we will celebrate with Katie Dufour and Justin Seibel, who will be baptized at the swimming area at Pine Lake Camp at 3:00. Refresh-ments will be served in the Lodge following the baptisms. For more information, please talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.

Men's Prayer Breakfast will meet at Jean's Restaurant this Friday at 6:30. All men are welcome to come for fellowship and a time of prayer. Jean's is located cattycorner to the Meridian train station in downtown Meridian. If you need directions, please talk to Duane or Joel.

Jr Youth, mark your calendars for a pool party at the Shellys' on Friday, May 22. All those interested in carpooling should plan to meet at the church at 4:00. We'll return there for pick-up at 8:00. To help with food, please see Cynthia Clymer for the sign-up sheet. Thanks!

Jubilee wants to help youth who are part of our congregation and want to go to Pine Lake Summer Camp, but need some assistance to be able to go. Two ways you can help are to donate money to Jubilee's scholarship fund or to sponsor someone. If you are interested in donating, mark your gift “camp scholarship.” If you're willing to be a sponsor, want to suggest someone we should sponsor, or have other questions, contact Lisa Shelly.

Pine Lake Camp will be holding summer staff orientation May 23-27. If you would be willing to prepare a meal during this time, please contact Cheryl Landis. There will be approximately 20 people at orientation.

The music camp that was scheduled for May 16 will be rescheduled at a future date.

Children, in your family's mailbox you will find another issue of hello. Read to find out about Anielka Salazar Gonzales, a 12 year old girl from Bramadero, Nicaragua. Learn lots of interesting things about her country.

Happy Birthday to Monica Topcik (May 13), Melody Clymer (May 14), and Edea Baldwin (May 16)!