Bulletin info for March 9, 2008
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Sunday School Opening: Elaine Maust
Greeter: Dewayne Garrett
Worship Leader: Duane Maust
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm, Chris Wansley
Nursery: Fern Diener (SS), Whitney Floyd
Today we continue our Red Letter Edition series. During this series, our sermons will explore the teachings of Jesus, and children’s stories will feature characters he met along the way.
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
The Worship Planning Team meets this afternoon. If you have ideas or suggestions for worship services, please talk to Brett Scruggs, Calisha Crowell, Chris Wansley, Milli Floyd, or Duane or Elaine Maust.
Come at 6:00 for a meal and Bible Study on Wednesday evening. We will study Genesis 10-11 and learn about the Tower of Babel. For more info, see Elaine Maust.
The 2008 Gulf States Mennonite Conference Mission Rally will be held at Pine Lake Camp on March 28-29. Karl Bernhard from Amor Viviente will be the speaker. For more info, talk to Anita Wansley.
This month's pot luck has been changed from March 16 to Easter Sunday, March 23.
Mark your calendars for Jubilee's Retreat at Pine Lake Camp on April 18-20. Join us for outdoor fun, good meals, worship, and lots of time to relax. Invite your friends and family! Questions? See Lisa Shelly.
It's time to register for summer camp at Pine Lake! Brochures have been sent to everyone who attended last year, and there are brochures on the table next to the camp bulletin board. Invite your friends! Financial assistance is available. For more info about this, see Lisa Shelly.
Community of Hope Tutoring Program is receiving applications until April 11 for the position of Program Director. An announcement is posted on the bulletin board with more details. If you would like copies to share with others or if you have any questions, please see Christine Maust Beachy.
Mennonite Mission Network thanks Jubilee Mennonite Church for contributing $672.10 received from February 2007 through January 2008.
Let's continue to pray for Jodi Schiedel from Jubilee who is in Guatemala with a study and service group from Eastern Mennonite University.
Happy Birthday to Malley Gullette (today), Christine Maust Beachy (Mar 15), and Fern Diener (Mar 15)!