Bulletin info for March 21, 2010

Worship Leader: Elaine Maust
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events

Today is the fifth Sunday of Lent. Lent is the season during which we remember Jesus' final days before going to the cross. Our theme for Lent this year is Holding On & Letting Go. As we move with Jesus toward the cross, we reflect on God's invitation to hold on and let go.

Everyone is invited to the pot luck in the gym following the service. Stay to share a meal and fellowship! Questions? Talk to Sandra Rush.

Today we continue a series of Children's times called Mission Friends, focused on friends and family who serve God in other countries. Today Regina Martinez shares about Gordon and Betsie Wenger, who serve God in Peru.

A prayer group is forming to ask for God's direction for Jubilee's future community ministry. If you would like to join this group, please contact Elaine Maust.

Are you interested in being part of a Care Group at Jubilee? Would you like to join a different group? Want to know what's involved in being a care group leader? For information about this important ministry at Jubilee, please talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.

Thank you to all who participated and prayed for our Spring into Action spring break service week! Our church, our neighborhood, and our community were greatly blessed by your acts of service! For those who participated, there is an evaluation in your mailbox today for you to give us feedback from the week. Please complete and give to Anita Wansley, Joel Diener, or Erin Scruggs by next Sunday. Thanks!

If you have information for the April calendar, please contact DeeDee Baldwin this week.

Offering for 3/14/10: $865 (budgeted $1,787.50). Year-to-date (8/1 – 3/14): $69,013 (budgeted $58,987.50).

Happy Birthday to Alexis Hopkins (Mar 22), Barbara Coblentz (Mar 22), Danny Wood (Mar 23), and Katie Dufour (Mar 25)!