Bulletin info for March 15, 2009
Third Sunday of Lent
Worship Leader: Marcus Diener
Song Leader: Chris Wansley
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
Please pray for the Jubilee Service Trip to Goshen, Indiana. The team of approximately 24 from Jubilee left on Saturday for their week serving with 8th Street Mennonite.
All Jubilee ladies are invited to come help celebrate the blessing of Kimberly and Ethan Stubblefield's soon-to-arrive baby girl. We will have a baby shower on Sunday, March 29 at 4:00 in Jubilee’s gym. For more info, see Melody Clymer.
Through the United Methodist Center for Ministry, Elaine Maust is offering Spiritual Direction to Pastors in Gulfport who have been serving churches during and since Katrina. She will be on the coast two days a month. Questions? Talk to Elaine.
Jubilee will not be conducting Vacation Bible School this year. Everyone is encouraged to find a neighborhood Bible School for their children to attend. If you need suggestions, talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.
Happy Birthday to Fern Diener (today) and Christine Maust Beachy (today)!