Bulletin info for June 7, 2009

Worship Leader: Marcus Diener
Song Leader: Chris Wansley



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


Today we welcome and bless Anita Wansley in her new role as Ministry Coordinator for Jubilee. Thank you for your willingness to serve, Anita, and God bless you!

Next Sunday, June 14, we are excited to welcome Sharon Dufour, Eric Espinoza, Marvin Floyd, Orlando Horne, and Danny Wood as members of Jubilee. Tim Seibel will join on June 28, 2009.

There will be a meeting of the Worship Planning Team this afternoon at 1:30 in the library. If you have ideas or suggestions for coming worship services, please talk to Joel Diener, Nohemi Martinez, Calisha Crowell, Tim Seibel, Milli Floyd, Jeff Landis, Theresa Ladnier Chisolm or Duane or Elaine Maust.

Next Sunday, June 14, Jubilee members will reconfirm their commitment to Jubilee's Covenant. For a copy of the covenant, see the bulletin board in the hall or check out Jubilee's web site.

Today we bless the staff of Pine Lake Camp. Pine Lake is one of Jubilee's primary ministries. We celebrate and support the work of God at camp.

Des Allemands Mennonite Church invites Jubilee to the installation of Troy Ferris as their pastor on Saturday at 2:00. Everyone is invited to stay for the meal after the service.

It's the time of year to begin our gifts discernment process for 2009-2010. We invite you to prayerfully consider the roles for which you would be willing to serve, starting Sept. 1, 2009. We will have a time in youth and adult Sunday School classes on June 14 to complete gifts discernment forms and ask questions or participate in discussion about the gifts discernment process. Please see Anita, Duane, Jeff, Fern, Joel B., Paul, or Milli (gifts discernment committee) if you have any questions.

Happy Birthday to Cameron Garrett (June 9)!