Bulletin info for June 3, 2007

Trinity Sunday

Worship Leader: Marcus Diener
Song Leader: Howie Schiedel, Erin Scruggs



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


Gifts Discernment forms should be returned to Lisa Shelly today! There are more forms on the table by the stairs if you need one. Any questions, please see Duane, Jeff, Fern, Dianna, Melody, or Lisa.

As part of our gifts discernment process we are creating a tapestry, symbolizing our many gifts forming a beautiful church. Please join in the creation of the weaving hanging in the hall. Thanks to Suzanne Opel for preparing this for us. If you need assistance as you weave, please see Suzanne or Elaine.

Needed: Baby food jars and 20 oz plastic bottles for craft projects at Pine Lake Camp. If you have any to contribute, please get them to Jeff or Cheryl Landis.

The June calendar will be in your church mailbox today.

Please note that the Thursday night AA meetings will be moved to the Commons Room. If you have questions, see Duane Maust.

Next Sunday, June 10, Zachary and Abigail Shelly will be baptized at Pine Lake Camp at 3:00. Everyone is invited to witness and celebrate their decision to follow God and formally become part of Jubilee. For more info see Duane or Elaine Maust.

There will be a meeting of the Worship Planning Team today at 2:00. If you have suggestions for Jubilee’s worship services, please see Bob & Edea Baldwin, Joel Beachy, Calisha Danielle Crowell, Milli Floyd, Brett Scruggs, Chris Wansley or Duane & Elaine Maust.

If you plan to attend Nohemi Martinez’s Quinceañera celebration on June 24, it is important that you RSVP by June 17. There is a sign-up list on the bulletin board. For more info, see Regina Martinez.

Happy Birthday to Katya Landis (June 4), Chuck Spence (June 8), and Cameron Garrett (June 9)!