Bulletin info for June 29, 2008
Sunday School Opening: Dianna Schiedel
Greeter: Cynthia Clymer
Worship Leader: Edea Baldwin
Song Leader: Chris Wansley, Theresa Ladnier Chisolm
Nursery: Dianna Schiedel (SS), Lisa & Abigail Shelly (Service)
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
Today we will be collecting the money the children have raised for Quito Mennonite Church. Questions? See Cheryl Landis.
Information about Family Camp is posted on the bulletin board next to the office. Family Camp is a Gulf States Conference activity on Labor Day weekend at Pine Lake Camp. Everyone is welcome to attend all or any part of the weekend. You only need to make reservations if you'd like to stay overnight at camp. Questions, see Lisa Shelly.
Jubilee gives money to support the work of Mennonite Mission Network. Workers for MMN extend God's care in 50 countries around the world. If you are interested in MMN's annual report, see the literature racks in the hall.
In 2009 Mennonites from around the world will gather in Paraguay for Mennonite World Conference. Registration information is available in the church office. Questions? See Elaine Maust.
Vacation Bible School is July 14-18 from 6:00-8:00 each evening for ages 3 through sixth grade (just completed). Please fill out a registration form for all children who will be participating. Forms are on the table next to the stairs. Invite your friends and neighbors by taking an invitation postcard for them. Registration forms should be given to Lisa Shelly by next Sunday, July 6. Questions, see Lisa or Regi Martinez.
"Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers for our family when my father died. Your kindnesses mean a lot to us..." (from a card on the bulletin board from the Opel family)
Happy Birthday to Tavia Griffin (today), Micah Diener (today), Matt Tucker (June 30), Joel Diener (July 1), Cheryl Landis (July 4), and Regina Martinez, Jr. (July 5), and Happy Anniversary to Brian & Gerri Thompson (July 4) and Jayson & Theresa Chisolm (July 5)!