Bulletin info for June 28, 2009

Worship Leader: Duane Maust
Song Leader: Chris Wansley



Everyone is invited to come forward today during the Communion Service. The bread and the cup, in memory of the sacrifice of Christ, have been provided for baptized believers. Grapes and crackers will be served to those anticipating their baptism. Questions? Talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.

This Week at Jubilee...


Today we welcome Sharon Dufour as a member of Jubilee. God bless you, Sharon.

Many thanks for everyone's support in making it possible for the youth group to attend the Mennonite Convention in Columbus, Ohio. For more info, see the bulletin insert or talk to Cheryl Landis or Joel Beachy.

Duane and Elaine will be attending the Mennonite Convention in Ohio this week. Please feel free to contact them via cell phone: 601-917-2249 (Duane) or 601-917-2248 (Elaine) and leave messages. They will return calls between sessions. If you have questions about Jubilee or whom to contact this week, please call Anita Wansley, Ministry Coordinator.

Would you like to join Jubilee? Would you like to find out more about the Mennonite Church? Have you considered baptism or making a first time commitment to God? The Believers Class may be for you! This class will form in a few months. For more info, please talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.

The Men's Prayer Breakfast will not meet for the next two weeks. The breakfast will resume on Friday, July 17.

The response to gifts discernment this year was overwhelming! Thank you. Those filling coordinating roles will be notified first (hospitality, trustees, worship planning team, etc.), then those willing to serve (helpers in the nursery, Sunday School teachers, meals for Wednesday night Bible Study, etc.) will be notified by the coordinators. Thank you again, Jubilee, for offering your gifts to God and to this church. If you have questions about gifts discernment, please see Anita Wansley.

Jubilee has been very generous in giving to special funds during this fiscal year. As we near the end of our year we find that the general funds are low and we may end up with a deficit. We invite you to consider giving as generously as you can during the month of July and praying that the financial needs of the congregation may be met. –The finance committee (Mike Clymer, Dara Dominici, Milli Floyd, and Cheryl Landis)

The church calendar for July has been placed in your mailbox.

Happy Birthday to Marcus Diener (today), Tavia Griffin (Jun 29), Micah Diener (Jun 29), Matt Tucker (Jun 30), Joel Diener (Jul 1), and Cheryl Landis (Jul 4), and Happy Anniversary to Brian & Gerri Thompson (Jul 4)!