Bulletin info for June 15, 2008

Sunday School Opening: N/A
Greeter: Carolyn Jackson
Worship Leader: Elaine Maust
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm, Chris Wansley
Nursery: Fern Diener (SS), Sharon Dufour (Service)



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


Remember that the children are raising money for Quito Mennonite Church in Ecuador. If you need a mission bank, please see Cheryl Landis.

Anyone is invited to come forward for prayer next Sunday during the healing service. Prayers will be offered for spiritual, emotional, physical, or relational healing for yourself or someone else. Questions? Talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.

This year's Vacation Bible School theme is "Listen Up! Messages from God." We will meet five interesting prophets from the Bible: Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jonah, Amos, and Daniel and will discover that God's message still holds true for people today. Bible School will be July 14-18 from 6:00-8:00 each evening for ages 3 through sixth grade (just completed). Questions, see Lisa Shelly or Regi Martinez.

Regina Martinez will be working again as a Mennonite Central Committee Summer Service Worker. Her duties will include working as a camp counselor at Pine Lake and assisting Lisa Shelly with Vacation Bible School. If you have any questions about her duties as a Summer Service Worker, you may talk to Lisa Shelly or Jeff Landis.

Happy Birthday to Paige Floyd (today), Tanner Garrett (June 17), and Helen Rawson (June 21), and Happy Anniversary to Howie & Dianna Schiedel (today)!