Bulletin info for June 10, 2007
Worship Leader: Marcus Diener
Song Leader: Chris Wansley, Theresa Ladnier Chisolm
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
Kendaisha Crowell and Zachary and Abigail Shelly will be baptized today at Pine Lake Camp at 3:00. Everyone is invited to witness and celebrate their decision to follow God and formally become part of Jubilee. For more info see Duane or Elaine Maust.
There will be a welcome party for David and Esther Kniss on Friday, June 29th, at 6:00 in the gym. This will also be a farewell for Duane and Elaine Maust. It will be a potluck dinner, so please bring dishes. A dessert will be provided. For more info, see Jan Reynolds .
Thanks to everyone who turned in their gifts discernment forms. We are grateful for the many responses of willingness to serve in various roles to support the work of Jubilee. The committee will be working on processing this over the month of June. If you have any questions, please contact Duane, Jeff, Dianna, Fern, Melody, or Lisa.
Do you have a favorite recipe to contribute to the new Gulf States Mennonite Women cookbook? Dot Miller, past president of Mennonite Women of Gulf States Conference, would like to include some recipes from Jubilee. Please send yours to: Dot Miller, 101 Edwards Dr., Gulfport, MS 39503. For more info, see Elaine Maust.
If you plan to attend Nohemi Martinez’s Quinceañera celebration on June 24, it is important that you RSVP by next Sunday. There is a sign-up list on the bulletin board. For more info, see Regina Martinez.
Happy Birthday to Paige Floyd (June 15), and Happy Anniversary to Howie & Dianna Schiedel (June 15)!