Bulletin info for June 1, 2008
Sunday School Opening: Tim Seibel
Greeter: Dewayne Garrett
Worship Leader: Elaine Maust
Song Leader: Chris Wansley, Theresa Ladnier Chisolm
Nursery: Melody Clymer (SS), Suzanne Opel and Amy Seibel
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
Thanks to all the children who raised money to support Quito Mennonite Church. $146.72 was given last Sunday. We will continue to raise money for the church in Quito and will have another collection on June 29th.
The church council is in the process of expanding our current leadership structure to accommodate the growth we are experiencing at Jubilee. There is a proposal from the leadership discernment team on the bulletin board outside the office. The council seeks the congregation's questions and comments. Talk to any council member listed on the proposal.
Please return the Bible School volunteer forms to Lisa Shelly today. We need lots of volunteers for this ministry. Many thanks in advance!
Jubilee is sponsoring 6 campers through our camp scholarship program. This is an above-budget fund. If you would like to help, put your contribution in the offering, marked "camp scholarships."
On Sunday, June 15, we encourage everyone to be present during the Sunday School hour to do a spiritual gifts survey. All adults and youth will meet in small groups to take the survey and discuss the results. Special activities will be provided for the children. Donuts and coffee will be provided. Questions, see Lisa or Fern.
There are several items in the lost and found box, which is located between the mailboxes and the men's restroom. Any items that are still in this box tomorrow will be taken to Hope Village Thrift shop. Questions, contact Lisa Shelly.
Happy Birthday to Shelley Hamilton (June 2) and Katya Landis (June 4)!