Bulletin info for July 8, 2007

Worship Leader: Edea Baldwin
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


Bible school starts soon! Please be in prayer for the children who will participate and the adults and youth who are teaching and helping in various ways. Invite your neighbors and friends. Our theme is “Be Bold! God is with you!” Questions, see Lisa Shelly.

Jubilee invites the prayers and financial support of Jacob’s Well, a Christian Recovery Center for women in Lucedale, MS. Please make checks payable to Jubilee and note, “Jacob’s Well donation.” For more info, please check jacobswellrecoverycenter.com. We are grateful for the opportunity to support this center, which will be serving Marvin’s daughter, Rihannon.

Happy Birthday to Jessica Chisolm (July 10), Karo McCary (July 12), Daejhana Neal (July 12), and Holly Garrett (July 13), and Happy Anniversary to Brian & Gerri Thompson (July 4)!