Bulletin info for July 6, 2008

Sunday School Opening: Dianna Schiedel
Greeter: Cynthia Clymer
Worship Leader: Elaine Maust
Song Leader: Howie Schiedel, Erin Scruggs
Nursery: Cheryl Landis (SS), Marcus & Maria Diener (Service)



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


Vacation Bible School is next week, July 14-18, from 6:00-8:00 each evening for ages 3 through sixth grade (just completed). Please fill out a registration form for all children who will be participating. Forms are on the table next to the stairs and should be given to Lisa Shelly today if you haven’t already. Questions, see Lisa or Regi Martinez.

All volunteers for VBS are encouraged to come to an orientation meeting next Sunday, July 13 at 4:00 in the Commons Room. This includes anyone who is helping with Bible School. Come for information about the Bible School plan and schedule. If you cannot come, please contact Lisa or Regi.

We are so grateful for the many people who are helping with Bible School. If you are unable to be there, you can help by praying for the volunteers and children who will be coming. You could also give a donation to help cover the cost of supplies or contribute to the Bible School offering to help support the Mennonite Church in Columbia. Questions, see Lisa or Regi.

Each summer at Jubilee we complete a gifts discernment sheet where each person has the opportunity to express which roles he/she would like to do for the upcoming year. Information and further directions will be given about this during the service today. Please be sure to return your form to Lisa Shelly by Sunday, July 20.

Information about Family Camp is posted on the bulletin board next to the office. Family Camp is a Gulf States Conference activity on Labor Day weekend at Pine Lake Camp. Everyone is welcome to attend all or any part of the weekend. You only need to make reservations if you’d like to stay overnight at camp. Questions, see Lisa Shelly.

Thank-you letters from Pine Lake Camp and Choice Books have been placed on the bulletin board. They are expressing gratitude for recent donations from Jubilee.

Ernie Nuefeld, former interim pastor at Jubilee, and his wife, Lila, are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Please see the note on the bulletin board.

Happy Birthday to John Dufour (July 7), Carolyn Jackson (July 7), Miguel Jaydin Griffin (July 9), Jessica Chisolm (July 10), Matt Graybill (July 11), Daejhana Neal (July 12), and Karo McCary (July 12)!