Bulletin info for July 27, 2008
Worship Leader: Marcus Diener
Song Leader: Howie Schiedel, Erin Scruggs
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
Everyone is invited to a pool party at the Shellys' this Wednesday, July 30th, starting at 5:00. Supper will be around 6:00. Hamburgers, hotdogs, and drinks will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert. Questions, see Lisa Shelly.
Next Sunday we begin a four sermon series on Evangelism, which is part of God's Call for Jubilee.
Information about Family Camp is posted on the bulletin board next to the office. Family Camp is a Gulf States Conference activity on Labor Day weekend at Pine Lake Camp. Everyone is welcome to attend all or any part of the weekend. You only need to make reservations if you'd like to stay overnight. Questions, see Lisa Shelly.
"We would like to thank everyone in Jubilee for such a warm welcome. The basket of groceries was so generous, we love everything in it. You all have helped make this move to Meridian and Jubilee a smooth transition for us. We have been blessed by such a loving church family. Thank you." –Matt & Beth Graybill
Jubilee's fiscal year ends July 31. If you have any outstanding receipts to submit for reimbursement, please turn those in to Mike Clymer today.
The Finance Committee will be meeting very soon to propose a budget for next year. If you have requests for increases in current budget items or suggestions for new items, see Howie Schiedel, Mike Clymer, Millie Floyd, or James Dominici.
If you have items for the August calendar, please contact DeeDee Baldwin (601-479-1424 or edeainfj {at} gmail.com) this week.
Would you like to attend a guided silent retreat? Talk to Elaine Maust for more info about a retreat at St. Mary's in Chatawa, MS on August 11-13.
Happy Birthday to Sharon Dufour (July 30), and Happy Anniversary to Mike & Melody Clymer (today)!