Bulletin info for July 19, 2009

Worship Leader: Elaine Maust
Song Leader: Chris Wansley



Everyone is invited to the potluck in the gym after the service.

This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events

Everyone is invited to the Shellys’ for a pool party this Wednesday, July 22. Hotdogs, hamburgers, and drinks will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert and lawn chairs (if you have 1 or 2). We will eat at 6:00, but please feel free to come anytime after 4:30. Hope to see you there! Questions, see Lisa.

Jubilee has been very generous in giving to special funds during this fiscal year. As we near the end of our year, we find that the general funds are low and we may end up with a deficit. To date we will need approximately $17,000 to meet the amount we budgeted for income. We invite you to consider giving as generously as you can during the month of July and praying that the financial needs of the congregation may be met. --The finance committee (Mike Clymer, Dara Dominici, Milli Floyd, and Cheryl Landis)

Community of Hope Tutoring Program has been blessed to receive funding to hire an executive director. Information about this new position can be found on the Job Opening Announcement that has been posted on the bulletin board next to the church office. Please pray that God will guide us to the right person to provide leadership for Community of Hope. We welcome any suggestions of potential candidates. Questions? See Lisa Shelly, Christine Maust Beachy, or Cynthia Clymer.

Happy Birthday to Lykaseia Colton (Jul 21)!