Bulletin info for July 18, 2010
Worship Leader: Marcus Diener
Song Leader: Erin Scruggs
This Week at Jubilee...
All are invited to share with us in a potluck following our service today.
There will be an orientation meeting for those helping with VBS this afternoon at 3:00. For more info, see Anita Wansley.
This week is VBS at Jubilee! We are looking forward to our theme of Meeting God on the Mountain. Please pray for the teachers, activity leaders, helpers, and all the children who will join in the fun and learning. If you have not signed up to help and would still like to volunteer, see Anita or Regina. If you have children or friends who want to attend, please complete the registration form today!
Thank God for the successful summer camp ministry! A record 198 children enjoyed Pine Lake Camp this summer. Congratulations to Matt Graybill, Jeff and Cheryl Landis, and all the camp staff for their leadership of this ministry. Many Jubilee children attended Pine Lake this year. Jubilee youth and adults volunteered, gave, and served. We thank God that Jubilee can share in this important ministry. For more information about Pine Lake, see the bulletin board in the hall.
Thanks again to everyone who offered their gifts and suggested others to fill the roles and tasks of the Spirit through Gifts Discernment 2010-2011. Your generous offers of time and your abilities are an encouragement and will bless Jubilee in the year ahead. Calls are still being made to confirm recommendations. Other calls will come throughout the year for assistance in the work of this church for God and the community. If you have questions about the gifts discernment process, please talk to Anita Wansley.
Offering for 7/11/10: $1,493 (budgeted $1,875). Year-to-date (8/1 – 7/11): $102,705.50 (budgeted $93,750).
Happy Birthday to Lykaseia Colton (Jul 21) and Ambrouse Hyde (Jul 22), and Happy Anniversary to Chris & Jenny Bowers (Jul 22)!