Bulletin info for July 15, 2007

Worship Leader: Edea Baldwin
Song Leader: Howie Schiedel



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


Dave and Esther Kniss have now moved into the trailer at Pine Lake Camp. Their address is 10383 Pine Lake Road; Meridian, MS 39307, and the phone is 601-693-4928.

It's time for Bible School!! Thanks to all volunteers who are preparing for this week. Please pray that it be a time of spiritual growth for everyone who is involved -- children, youth, and adults. You can still invite your neighbors and friends. Our theme is "Be Bold! God is with you!" Questions, see Lisa Shelly.

Next Sunday, July 22, there will be a Vacation Bible School presentation during the morning worship service. Following the service, we will have a potluck in the gym. Ham will be provided. Please bring a side dish and dessert. It would be helpful if you bring larger than usual amounts of food because all children and families who participated in Bible School will be invited. Hopefully, we will have extra guests and we want to be prepared. Thank you. Questions, see Jan.

Happy Birthday to Calisha Crowell (July 16) and Lykaseia Colton (July 21), and Happy Anniversary to Joel & Christine Beachy (July 17)!