Bulletin info for July 11, 2010

Worship Leader: Marcus Diener
Song Leader: Chris Wansley



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events

One more week until VBS here at Jubilee! There will be classes for 3 year olds up to children finishing 5th grade. Please get your registration forms in to Regi or Anita today! Remember to invite your friends to join us in the fun and learn about meeting God on the mountain!

On Sunday, July 18, at 3:00 there will be an orientation meeting for those helping with VBS. Please mark your calendars for this important date!

We are overwhelmed with gratitude for your kindness during Duane's illness. You prayed for us, brought us food, visited, called, listened to us, sent cards and good wishes on Caring Bridge, took care of each other and Jubilee. Thank you. Sincerely, Duane and Elaine.

Congratulations to Pok Lutton and Ambrouse Hyde on their marriage on June 18. God bless you both!

Offering for 7/4/10: $2,544 (budgeted $1,875). Year-to-date (8/1 – 7/4): $101,142.50 (budgeted $91,875).

Happy Birthday to Matt Graybill (today), Daejhana Neal (Jul 12), Holly Garrett (Jul 13), and Calisha Crowell (Jul 16), and Happy Anniversary to Joel & Christine Maust Beachy (Jul 17)!