Bulletin info for July 1, 2007
Worship Leader: Edea Baldwin
Song Leader: Howie Schiedel, Erin Scruggs
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
A new prayer and information calling chain has been placed in your mailboxes. Please take note of whom you are supposed to call. We will use this for the next four months while Duane and Elaine are on sabbatical. If you would like to send something on the chain, contact Fern Diener. If you are unable to reach her, contact Jeff Landis. Questions? See Lisa Shelly.
Check your mailbox for Jubilee’s July calendar.
Bible school starts in two weeks! Please be in prayer for the children who will participate and the adults and youth who are teaching and helping in various ways. Invite your neighbors and friends. Our theme is Be Bold! God is with you! Questions, see Lisa Shelly.
The Mennonite Church USA Delegate Assembly is this week in San Jose, CA. Duane Maust is representing our conference and Regina Martinez is the delegate for Jubilee. Cynthia Clymer is on staff for directing the junior high activities. Pray for all the people involved in this assembly meeting.
We welcome Dave and Esther Kniss to Meridian and to Jubilee! Dave will serve as interim pastor for July, August, and September while Duane and Elaine are on sabbatical. Dave and Esther will be living in Bender House at Pine Lake Camp for the first two weeks of July and then they will move to the trailer at camp. Their cell phone is 941-256-6139. A landline (601-693-4928) will be connected by July 15. Please feel free to contact them!
The gifts discernment committee wants to express thanks to everyone for being willing to serve God through various roles at Jubilee. We continue to prepare a proposal for the congregation which will be discussed at an August business meeting. New roles would start in September. Questions, see Jeff, Fern, Melody, Dianna, or Lisa.
Happy Birthday to Joel Diener (July 1), Cheryl Landis (July 4), Regina Martinez, Jr. (July 5), John Dufour (July 7), and Carolyn Jackson (July 7), and Happy Anniversary to Jayson & Theresa Chisolm (July 5)!