Bulletin info for January 27, 2008
World Fellowship Sunday
Sunday School Opening: Joel Beachy
Greeter: Dewayne Garrett
Worship Leader: Marcus Diener
Song Leader: Chris Wansley, Theresa Ladnier Chisolm
Nursery: Lisa Shelly (SS), Sharon Dufour
Today we will celebrate Communion. All baptized believers are invited to share the bread and the cup. Grapes and crackers are provided for those anticipating their baptism. Questions? Talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
Believers Class began today. Please pray for those who are part of this class in preparation for baptism or church membership. For more info, see Duane or Elaine Maust.
All Sunday School teachers are invited to the Appreciation Celebration and Workshop this Saturday, Feb. 2 from 9:00-10:00 in the gym. Come for breakfast, fellowship, and motivational training by Elaine Maust. Questions, see Joel Beachy.
All men are invited to the Super Bowl party at the Shelly home next Sunday, Feb. 3, for football at 3:00, then food and watching the game. Ladies and children are invited to the Clymer home; come any time after 4:30. See Paul Shelly or Melody Clymer for more info about each party!
The Gulf State Women's Conference will be held at Pine Lake Camp Pavilion on February 16, 2008. Registration begins at 9am. The guest speaker is Rebecca Wenger from Bloomfield, Montana. Please RSVP by February 12 to Milli Floyd.
Tickets go on sale today for the Valentine's Banquet, which will be held Saturday, February 16 at 6:30 in the gym. The cost is $15 per person or $30 per couple. Babysitting will be provided. To purchase tickets, see any youth. Everyone is welcome to attend—invite your friends! All proceeds will go to the Jubilee Youth, who are raising money to attend the Mennonite Youth Convention in 2009.
The 2008 Mennonite Central Committee Central States Annual Meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 23, at the Ethiopian Evangelical Church, 15150 E Evans Ave, Aurora, CO. All constituents in Central States are welcome to attend the meeting, which is a combination worship service and business meeting. Please join us, to review the past year in MCC Central States and look forward to the year ahead. -- John Stoesz, Dir. of MCC Central States
Happy Birthday to Ben Schiedel (today) and Allyson Dufour (Feb 1)!