Bulletin info for January 11, 2009
Worship Leader: Duane Maust
Song Leader: Chris Wansley
Everyone is invited to the pot luck meal in the gym following the service. The youth group will do the cleanup as a fundraiser for their trip to Mennonite Youth Convention this summer. They will gladly accept any contributions.
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
Today we welcome our friends from 8th Street Mennonite Church in Goshen, Indiana, including today's preacher, Pastor Kevin Farmwald. Thank you for coming and joining us in worship and service this week! Our friends will be working on this church facility as well as helping Habitat for Humanity and Love's Kitchen. If you have questions about their time in Meridian, contact Lisa Shelly, Ministry Coordinator.
If you would like a receipt for your 2008 donations given by check to Jubilee Mennonite Church, please contact Cheryl and a receipt can be generated for you. If you are interested in making regular donations to Jubilee through an automatic draft from your bank account, see Cheryl.
The pot of lentil stew is coming back to haunt Esau. Read Genesis 26-27 and join us for Bible Study on Wednesday night. A simple meal begins at 6:00 in the gym and Bible Study follows at 6:30 in the sanctuary. There will be activities for nursery through adults. Questions? Talk to Anita Wansley.
Women's Retreat is coming up next month! Women, mark your calendars for Saturday, February 21, to be together at Pine Lake Camp for a spiritually uplifting day of challenge and encouragement. The speaker is Bonnie Neufeld, co-pastor of Markem Mennonite Church in Chicago. Call PLFC for Lodge Room reservations, if needed. The host church is Open Door Mennonite. For more info, please see Fern Diener.
A group from Jubilee is going to Goshen, Indiana, for a service week March 14-20. Lodging will be at Camp Friedenswald. Service projects will be arranged by 8th Street Mennonite Church. Jan Reynolds has volunteered to cook for the week. About 20 children, youth, and adults are going at this point. There is room for more. Contact Lisa Shelly for more information.
Happy Birthday to Duane Maust (today) and Jodi Schiedel (Jan 14)!