Bulletin info for February 8, 2009
Worship Leader: Duane Maust
Song Leader: Erin Scruggs
There will be a communion service today. Everyone is encouraged to come forward for a blessing. All baptized believers (whether or not officially Jubilee members) are invited to take the bread and the cup. Grapes and crackers will be provided for those anticipating baptism. Questions? Talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
Women's Retreat is coming up next month! Women, mark your calendars for Saturday, February 21, to be together at Pine Lake Camp for a spiritually uplifting day of challenge and encouragement. The speaker is Bonnie Neufeld, co-pastor of Markem Mennonite Church in Chicago. Call PLFC for Lodge Room reservations, if needed. The host church is Open Door Mennonite. For more info, see Fern Diener.
We are thrilled to welcome back our dear friends, Dick & Eileen Radstake. They will be in Meridian for about two months doing various work projects at camp and here at the church. We are so grateful for their willingness to serve in this way! Their phone number is 601-917-1259.
Jacob lied to his father and stole from his brother, and now he's getting out of town! But God has not left him. On the road Jacob has a stunning dream that leads him to make a dramatic promise to God. Check it out in Genesis 28 and join us for Bible Study on Wednesday night. A light supper will be served at 6:00 in the gym. Bible Study will follow in the sanctuary at 6:30. Hot Topic will be - Interpreting the Bible. Activities are planned for all ages. Questions? See Anita Wansley.
Jubilee will be hosting the Gulf States Mennonite Conference's Spring Inspirational meeting on May 2-3. This year's theme is, “What the Lord has done in me.” It will be a testimony meeting featuring speakers from around the conference. Activities and services will be planned for all ages. If you would like to be part of the planning team for this event, please talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.
The Valentine's banquet will be held Saturday, February 14, at 6:30 in the gym. Tickets are $30 per couple. Child care will be provided. Please see any youth to purchase tickets. Today is the last day to purchase tickets!
Happy Anniversary to William & Dee Colton (Feb 14)!