Bulletin info for February 7, 2010

Youth Sunday

Worship Leader: Youth
Song Leader: Youth



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events

Welcome to Dick and Eileen Radstake! The Radstakes come from Canada each year to serve at Jubilee and at Pine Lake Camp, where they will be living.

Many thanks to Jubilee's Youth Group for leading us in worship today.

Please mark your calendars now for the Jubilee Camp-Out, April 16-18. We will spend the weekend out at camp, relaxing, eating, and worshiping on Sunday. Questions? See Anita Wansley.

Next Sunday afternoon, friends of Regina Martinez will marry at Jubilee. Wedding preparations will begin on Sunday morning. Please use the 28th Ave. or 9th Street entrances when you leave the building next Sunday. Questions? See Regina.

Today is our second Sunday in the series on Jubilee's Covenant. Next Sunday, the last in the series, those who are members and have signed the covenant will recommit themselves to God and Jubilee.

It is still not too late to share your voice! How is God inviting Jubilee to grow in the next five years? Who will be our new leaders? When will it be time for us to begin a new church? Please share your reflections with someone on the Pastors/ Elders Team or drop them in the box in the hall. Questions? See Duane or Elaine Maust.

The Youth Valentine's Banquet will be held this Saturday, February 13. Tickets are $35 per couple. Ads are available for $35 for a printed ad in the evening's program and $50 for a printed ad and a live commercial at the banquet. Please purchase your ads from Dara Dominici by today!

Would you like to receive emails from Jubilee? Prayer requests and reminders of upcoming events are sent to those on the email list. To add your email address, contact Anita Wansley. You can also have the bulletin sent to your email each week. For that, contact DeeDee Baldwin.

If you want to read a sermon you liked, check a schedule, view photos from Jubilee's past and present, and lots more, visit the church's website: jubileemennonite.org.

Offering for 1/31/10: $2,447 (budgeted $1,787.50). Year-to-date (8/1 – 1/31): $58,187 (budgeted 44,687.50).