Bulletin info for February 3, 2008
Transfiguration Sunday
Sunday School Opening: Elaine Maust
Greeter: Cynthia Clymer
Worship Leader: Duane Maust
Song Leader: Howie Schiedel, Erin Scruggs
Nursery: Christine Maust Beachy, Milli Floyd
Today we begin a new series, Red Letter Edition. During the next several weeks, our sermons will explore the teachings of Jesus, and children’s stories will feature characters from Jesus' stories or folks he met along the way.
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
All men are invited to the Super Bowl party at the Shelly home today for football at 3:00, then food and watching the game. Ladies and children are invited to the Clymer home; come any time after 4:30, and please bring a snack. See Paul Shelly or Melody Clymer for more info about each party!
The pastor/elder group will meet this Tuesday, Feb. 5, at 9:00 in the church library. If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas that you would like them to address or pray for, please contact Duane or Elaine Maust, Jeff Landis, or Fern Diener.
The Gulf State Women's Conference will be held at Pine Lake Camp Pavilion on February 16, 2008. Registration begins at 9am. The guest speaker is Rebecca Wenger from Bloomfield, Montana. Please RSVP by February 12 to Milli Floyd.
Tickets are now on sale for the Valentine's Banquet, which will be held Saturday, February 16 at 6:30 in the gym. The cost is $15 per person or $30 per couple. Babysitting will be provided. To purchase tickets, see any youth. Everyone is welcome to attend—invite your friends! All proceeds will go to the Jubilee Youth, who are raising money to attend the Mennonite Youth Convention in 2009.
Children, a copy of hello has been placed in your family's mailbox. In this issue you will meet Jonathan Daman from Manitoba, Canada and learn about his country.
Gulf States Mennonite Women Cookbooks are on sale for $10 each. See Fern Diener if you would like to buy a copy.
Our friends from 8th Street Mennonite share photos and stories of their time with us in Mississippi on their blog: click here.
Help is needed for the Conference Quilt for the Camp Sale. Anyone interested in doing a 12" block , your design, please let Fern know today. Two colors of fabric will be sent to you to coordinate with any other fabric you want to use. These need to be finished by the end of April. For more info, see Fern Diener.
Happy Birthday to Cotrina Scott (Feb 4)!